Sunday, February 21, 2016

Where Are They Now? The WWF's 'The Headshrinkers'

Where Are They Now? The WWF's 'The Headshrinkers'

With their Samoan swagger and formidable athletic prowess, 'The Headshrinkers' took the World Wrestling Federation by storm in the late 80's and early 90's. We recently caught up with the legendary tag team duo for a brief interview to see what they've been up to for the past 20 something years.

IS: So what happened to you guys when you left the WWF?

TH: Oh, you know...we had a few ups and downs in our time after we left the WWF. Things were rough for a second but we both managed to get out of the slump we were in. After the fall of the WWF, we both had to get day jobs.

IS: That's interesting. It must have been tough coming out of a career in entertainment and have to go back to the real world.

TH: Well, it wasn't an immediate entry back into the workforce. There was a time where we were completely destitute and living on Venice Beach. We were living in our 1988 Lincoln Town Car limousine and doing street performances to get by.

IS: Street performances? Really? What kind of street performances were you doing?

TH: Mostly just fire walking, glass walking, and hanging weights from our dicks. We even started a YouTube "Pranks In The Hood" series but that didn't go anywhere. We kept getting our asses beat in Compton until enough was enough.

IS: So what happened after that?

TH: Once we both realized that our street performance careers weren't going anywhere, we both decided to enroll in nursing school.

IS: Nursing school? Wow! What a career change!

TH: Yeah, life is good now. We got our degrees, moved to Brazil and now we both work in hospitals all over the country in the hospital nurseries.

IS: In the nurseries? What's that like?

TH: Oh it's great! We get to be around all of the babies and massage their heads a lot...

Zika Virus Small Head

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